This meet is free.
People do not need a diagnosis to attend.
Under 18s can attend without an adult , but a Registration Form must be be completed in advance. Please click here to complete one.
This meet is for younger autistic adults aged 16 - 25, people waiting for an assessment, considering assessment or self identifying are welcome.
X Box, Switch and Wii available, along with crafts, board games, colouring and refreshments.
Our autistic peer support workers are also available.
Family and support staff are requested to only attend if they are required to assist with medical needs or to assist with communication.
It is important that they do not centre themselves in conversations and remember that this is a space for autistic people.
The AUtism Zone
This meet takes place in :
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Every 4 weeks
You will meet:
There are 16 spaces available for young people at each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
This meet is free.
An opportunity for autistic adults to meet each other and chat with our peer support workers.
There are numerous activities available which vary each session.If you have a preferred activity, we can make this available for you.
The AUtism Zone
This meet takes place in :
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Every 4 Weeks
Every 4 weeks
2:30PM - 4:00PM
You will meet:
There are 15 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
This is a smaller and quieter social group for people who may feel like they need 'something in between'
What does this mean?
Some people are happy to come to our social groups and enjoy their own company. This is totally fine and a completely valid way of being with other people.
Some people find it very difficult to connect with other people, and to join in with conversation but want to be with other people.
The Bridge is a group for people who want to meet other autistic people, but need more time, space, and support.
Each session will have a Peer Mentor who connects easily to help us, and one who also finds starting conversations challenging, so you know you are not alone.
There will be no forced participation, no role play and everyone is still free to choose their own activities, or to join with others. with support.
If you are not sure if this group is for you, please ask.
The AUtism Zone
This meet takes place in :
Every 4 weeks
2:30PM - 4:00PM
You may meet:
There are 8 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
This is for those awaiting assessment.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
This meet is free.
An opportunity for autistic adults to meet each other and chat with our peer support workers.
There are numerous activities available which vary each session. If you have a preferred activity, we can make this available for you.
The AUtism Zone
This takes place in :
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Every 4 Weeks
You will meet:
There are 15 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
This meet is free.
An opportunity for autistic adults to meet each other and chat with our peer support workers about specific topics.
You can attend as many sessions as you want to and you do not have to attend all sessions.
Session 1. Sensory Differences
Session 2. Reasonable Adjustments, and The Equality Act
Session 3. Myth Busting
Session 4. Meltdowns, Shutdowns, Overwhelm
Session 5. Burnout
Session 6. Feeling like an Impostor
Session 7.The Double Empathy Problem and Other Important Theories
Session 8. Masking and Unmasking
Session 9. Making Improvements in your Home Environment
Session 11. Communication
Session 12. ADHD and other Co Occurring Conditions & Neurodivergence
Each in person session will have a mixture of information and social activities, there will be several room options available to choose from.
The AUtism Zone
This takes place in :
ONLINE via Zoom
2:00PM - 3:30PM
Every 4 weeks
In Person
2:00PM - 3:30PM
Every 4 weeks
You will meet:
There are 15 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
These D& D sessions are short campaigns that can be completed in one or 2 sessions.
This meet is free, but we welcome contributions from attendees as it has no funding stream.
The AUtism Zone
This takes place in :
1:00PM -3:00PM
Every 2 weeks
You will meet:
There are 8 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
For autistic adults (18 years+)
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
This is not a meet for family members, carers or supporters. If you need to bring someone with you to support communication or because of high-anxiety, please contact us.
For those who would like to play regularly with an ongoing story.
This meet is free, but we welcome contributions from attendees as there is no funding stream.
The AUtism Zone
This meet takes place in :
7:30PM - 9:30PM
Every 2 weeks
You will meet:
There are 8 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
This meet is free.
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
It is for autistic women & girls, including trans and NB.
It provides an opportunity for autistic women & girls of all ages to meet each other and chat with our peer support workers.
There are numerous activities available which vary each session.If you have a preferred activity, we can make this available for you.
The AUtism Zone
This meet takes place in :
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Every 4 Weeks
You will meet:
There are 15 spaces available for each meet.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
This drop-in is free.
You do not need a diagnosis to attend.
Drop-in information and advice session for autistic adults, their families and supporters – no appointment needed.
It is a chance to:
· visit the building.
· borrow from the Sensory Library.
· talk to our peer supporters and volunteers.
· ask questions and discuss issues and concerns.
Please note, this is not an organised activity.
It will operate on a drop-in basis.
You may need to wait for a peer-support mentor to become available.
The AUtism Zone
This drop-in takes place in :
You may meet :
You do not need to book to attend.
Dates can be seen on our BookWhen page.
These sessions are free.
They are for those who have received a diagnosis.
There are 6 sessions included covering:
The AUtism Zone
These sessions take place in :
Times may vary. See BookWhen for current times.
At these sessions you will meet:
There are 8 spaces available for each set of 6 sessions.
Spaces must be booked on our BookWhen page.
AIM - Autism Inclusion Matters
Copyright © 2024 AIM - Autism Inclusion Matters - All Rights Reserved.