Our Ethos
We will only collect and store the minimum amount of information that is necessary to provide a safe, effective, and positive service respecting the right to privacy and autonomy.
We will not contact you if you do not want us to.
We will not give your information to anyone for marketing purposes.
We will keep your information safe and private.
We will maintain a balance by keeping records and sharing when appropriate so that you and other people are safe from harm.
What Information do we record?
We record the name of everyone who visits the building.
We record the date of birth of people who come to groups and activities.
We record the ‘diagnostic status’ of people who use our services.
We record a contact number or email address.
We record additional information when someone takes out a sensory library loan.
This information tells us:
Other Information
We record allergies and emergency contact details for children and some other people.
Anonymous Data
We collect information such as gender, ethnicity, postcode and other information that is requested by our grant funders for some groups and workshops.
This information is sometimes shared with other organisations in an anonymised format that does not identify individuals.
Detailed Information - Evaluating Projects
We will produce surveys and questionnaires to gather information about groups and activities. These will always be voluntary and can be completed anonymously. We will always tell you how the information will be used.
We will sometimes write ‘Case Studies’ about a project or service. These will be anonymised and we will get consent from the person before writing a case study.
Recording Information, Advice and Guidance
We will make simple and clear notes when we have given advice or guidance to somebody.
Incidents, Concerns or Safeguarding Issues
If we are concerned about a person, situation or issue we will record it in writing.
We will get consent from the person concerned before sharing this information with anybody unless we are unable to get consent and it would cause serious harm to the person or to other people if we didn’t share information.
You can find out more about how organisations share information in these situations:
If a person wants us to raise an issue or concern with another organisation through the Autism Partnership Board, or other forum, we will seek consent first, and check whether they wish to remain anonymous or share their contact details.
Where is Information Stored?
Any information recorded on paper is transferred to an electronic record.
These records are kept in a secure 'Cloud', which can only be accessed by members of the AIM staff team that need to have access to that information.
Paper records that have been transferred to an electronic record will either be destroyed by shredding immediately or stored depending on content.
Any paper records that are stored are kept in a locked filing cabinet in a locked office.
Only staff members that need to have access to the records can access them.
AIM - Autism Inclusion Matters